We review the best gaming chair for adults of all sizes
Updated: Dec 16, 2022 8:49am
That’s right, the best gaming chair for adults. Gambling might have a reputation as a hobby only for those underage to drink, but there are huge numbers of people out there who have continued this hobby into adulthood.
Also, many gaming chairs can have quite childish designs, and obviously the players are far from childish. This means that overall we will avoid excessive lighting and overly aggressive designs.
Also, sadly we’ve become big jaded misanthropes, so we’ll need chairs that can support even the weight of our regrets.
So, as we have to find the best adult gaming chair today, here’s a little look at what we’ll need to present these chairs.
- Large limit
- Large width
- Overall size
- Ergonomics
The best adult gaming chair: EwinRacing Flash XL Series
When it comes to finding the best adult gaming chair, size is the most important concern. Skinny chairs are great for toddlers and average-sized teens, but some of us adults have gotten bigger than we’d like to admit.
This means that the EwinRacing Flash XL series had to take first place on this list as it can handle up to 550 lbs of weight without breaking a sweat.
EwinRacing Flash XL series
Weight capacity
Up to 550 lbs
Height capacity
Additionally, the EwinRacing Flash XL has the widest seat base we’ve ever tested, making it super suitable for the broad thighs among you, plus, it’s a big shout out for folks who like to sit cross-legged, as the base of the seat is flat, with no bolsters along the sides.
You can read our review of the EwinRacing Flash XL series gaming chair for more information.
Overall, if you need a gaming chair that can handle anything you throw at it, the EwinRacing Flash XL is the strongest contender as we have never tested such a chair unit, but what if you need something a little cheaper?
The best budget gaming chair for adults
If you’re in a position where you can’t drop hundreds and hundreds on a chair, you don’t need to worry as you can get decent ones for less, for example our current budget king, the GT Omega Element.
GT Element Omega
136 x 68 x 73cm
This chair comes up quite a lot in our best pages, and for good reason. It’s priced very well and only sacrifices what we consider superfluous features.
This means that it has everything that counts, with enough adjustability, ergonomics and a rather impressive build quality, especially with its budget price.